There is a newer version of this game available. The work below represents the original state of the prototype for historical reference.
Note: this game may take a bit to load after hitting "Play". The music and sounds make it take longer to download
Thanks goes to Jet Malek for the character art.
Thanks goes to Kimberly Hedberg for the music.
Without their contributions, there's no way the game would be what it is today (it probably wouldn't have been finished at all).
Thanks for playing!
Original design document
Going back to making a platformer for this one. (These are usually less intense for me, let's see if that's still true.)
Sandbox platformer where the player is encouraged to simply explore
Player navigates with arrow keys
Player can explore the world using any of the tools available
Game should provide novel, interesting navigation mechanics
To keep the scope small, these are features that, while nice to have, can be left out if necessary:
Original writeup- immediately after completing the project
The dynamic of collaborating is very different from working on a project alone. From the beginning, I pitched the game to Kimberly and Jet as a game about swapping parts to find the best toolset to solve the problems. Unfortunately, doing so intensified my sense of failure when, after struggling to pull it together, it became apparent that the swap mechanic was too complicated to complete in the timeframe. Fortunately, they were very understanding, and, once my efforts were redirected to something I could deliver, we ended up with a solid game in the end.
One detail that I found very interesting to implement was the camera motion. I'd been kicking around the idea of spending more time on the platformer camera, ever since a tutorial I watched mentioned how important the camera's motion is. Once it became apparent that high-speed motion was a key part of the game's core engagement, I decided that I had to figure out how to get a camera to support that behavior. After playing around with the camera I had at the time, I realized that centering the camera did not provide adequate response time for the player. I decided to try to mimic a "look ahead" behavior that would kick in once the player started moving fast enough, and would move the character off-center, in order to give the player a more optimal view. Ultimately, this was accomplished by creating an invisible object attached to the character, and following that object instead. I used what I had learned from my failure working on the swappable character parts to make this object's movements match the character's, but have it also move around based on the character's current velocity. After a little fiddling with the details, it came together to be a pretty great improvement over the old camera. (Vertical camera motion wasn't quite as smooth, though, since I had to work around a deadzone that kept the camera from moving disorientlingly when jumping. I ended up just mashing the "look ahead" behavior together with the smallest comfortable deadzone, and calling it good enough.)