Keep your castle-town running smoothly. If the population of your town ever drops to zero (0) you will lose.
How To Play:
On the "Set Taxes" tab, change the tax rate for personal income and commercial tax.
On the "Manage Expenses" tab, choose how much to pay for maintenence and hire specialists.
On the "Reports" tab, review census and financial information gathered from the last tax collection.
Once you click Advance Turn, time will pass, you will collect taxes, pay expenses, and your castle-town will start to adjust to your choices.
Here are some things that you may want to keep in mind when making changes:
The impacts of your changes are not instant. Citizens and businesses will take time to adjust to the current policies.
You can only collect income tax from employed citizens. "Unemployment" on the Census tells you what percent (%) of your citizens are not employed.
Demand draws businesses to your town. Although you cannot directly see demand, it is completely controlled by details you see on your Reports.
Your treasury can go into the negative, if your expenses are higher than you can afford. Once you are negative, you will skip paying future expenses until the treasury is positive again.
You can set taxes negative, which will give subsidies. Subsidies are expensive, but they can encourage businesses to move in, even if there isn't enough demand to support them.
City Maintainence
Roads: % of Cost
Sewers: % of Cost
Aquaducts: % of Cost
Employed Specialists (Cost 10 each)
Displaying records from most recent tax collection.
Population: {{castle.reports.census.result.population |number:0}}
Average Wage: {{castle.reports.census.result.wagePerJob |number:2}}
Health: {{castle.reports.census.result.health |number:2}}
Birthrate: {{castle.reports.census.result.birthrate |number:2}}
Civil Obedience: {{castle.reports.census.result.calm |number:2}}
Unemployment: {{castle.reports.census.result.unemployment*100 |number:0}}%
Farming: {{castle.reports.census.result.jobs.farming |number:0}}
Smithing: {{castle.reports.census.result.jobs.smithing |number:0}}
Mining: {{castle.reports.census.result.jobs.mining |number:0}}
Construction: {{castle.reports.census.result.jobs.construction |number:0}}
Services: {{castle.reports.census.result.jobs.services |number:0}}
Transportation: {{castle.reports.census.result.jobs.transportation |number:0}}
Profits: {{castle.reports.finances.result.bottomline}}
Income Tax
Tax Rate: {{castle.reports.finances.result.incomeTaxRate | number:0 }}
Tax Profits: {{castle.reports.finances.result.incomeTaxGain | number:0 }}
Comercial Tax
Farming Rate: {{castle.reports.finances.result.commerce.farming.rate | number:0 }}
Farming Profits: {{castle.reports.finances.result.commerce.farming.gain | number:0 }}
Smithing Rate: {{castle.reports.finances.result.commerce.smithing.rate | number:0 }}
Smithing Profits: {{castle.reports.finances.result.commerce.smithing.gain | number:0 }}
Mining Rate: {{castle.reports.finances.result.commerce.mining.rate | number:0 }}
Mining Profits: {{castle.reports.finances.result.commerce.mining.gain | number:0 }}
Construction Rate: {{castle.reports.finances.result.commerce.construction.rate | number:0 }}
Construction Profits: {{castle.reports.finances.result.commerce.construction.gain | number:0 }}
Services Rate: {{castle.reports.finances.result.commerce.services.rate | number:0 }}
Services Profits: {{castle.reports.finances.result.commerce.services.gain | number:0 }}
Transportation Rate: {{castle.reports.finances.result.commerce.transportation.rate | number:0 }}
Transportation Profits: {{castle.reports.finances.result.commerce.transportation.gain | number:0 }}
Maintainence Expenses
Road Cost: {{castle.reports.finances.result.maintenence.roads.owed | number:0 }}
Road Spent: {{castle.reports.finances.result.maintenence.roads.spent | number:0 }}
Sewer Cost: {{castle.reports.finances.result.maintenence.sewers.owed | number:0 }}
Sewer Spent: {{castle.reports.finances.result.maintenence.sewers.spent | number:0 }}
Aquaduct Cost: {{castle.reports.finances.result.maintenence.aquaducts.owed | number:0 }}
Aquaduct Spent: {{castle.reports.finances.result.maintenence.aquaducts.spent |number:0}}
Specialist Expenses
Spent on Apothecaries: {{castle.reports.finances.result.specialists.apothecary | number:0 }}
Spent on Bankers: {{castle.reports.finances.result.specialists.banker | number:0 }}
Spent on Midwives: {{castle.reports.finances.result.specialists.midwife | number:0 }}
Spent on Entertainers: {{castle.reports.finances.result.specialists.entertainer | number:0 }}
Despite your efforts, your population has fallen to zero.
{{castle.ruler.castlename}} is now nothing but a ghost town